One Black Bear up to scratch for Chips Away brief

Chips Away advertising

The new campaign for ChipsAway will roll out on TV, OOH, POS and press. It centres around the humorous and often far fetched excuses drivers give for pranging their pride and joy. The new strapline of ‘Like it never happened’ neatly emphasises the quality of workmanship and also reassures customers that we never ever judge, we just fix it.

Launch executions use statements of disbelief and shock such as ‘That kerb wasn’t there before’ and ‘Do they make shopping trollies out of magnets?’ with several other equally ridiculous versions planned as the campaign develops.

Ella Pugh, Head of Marketing at ChipsAway said: “Not only does the new campaign approach portray the true professionalism that our ChipsAway service is synonymous with, it also elevates the brand proposition in line with where we are in the industry”.

Kate Hartshorn, Managing Partner at One Black Bear added: “It is great to be working with the team at ChipsAway who fully embraced this new direction for the brand. For us it was important to tap in to those every day excuses people use in order to bring an emotional hook to the creative and move the brand into a much more relatable territory.”

Chips Away advertising

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