Public Transport Advertising Campaign

We were as jolly as elves on Boxing Day to be briefed to help Transport for West Midlands encourage more people to use the region’s public transport network over the festive winter period.

It was important to craft messages for all kinds of yuletide traveller: from panto-goers jingling all the way to the theatre, to bargain hunters dashing through the sales, each ad was decorated with festive warmth wherever possible.


Public Transport Advertising Campaign

If you’re looking for an agency to share the journey with, drop us a note saying ‘There’ll be another one along any minute’ here.

Of course, the winter wonderland can be unpredictable. Meaning there was also the need to provide a structure to share any disruptions on the network with the public.

But we’ll be crossing our fingers in our winter mittens hoping these ads won’t be needed too often.

Due to the immovable deadline of winter, all assets were turned around faster than Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve.  

These festive messages twinkled across billboards and 6-sheets throughout the city, not to mention popping up all over social media channels like German sausage sellers on New Street.

  • Jenny Green & Tristan Vere-Hoose Creative
  • Kimberley Bishop Animation