A night of puerility with Mark Denton
A night of peurility with Mark Denton
On 16th May, we invited creative legend (and yes, that word is appropriate) Mark Denton along to the Bear cave here in Birmingham to give his hugely entertaining, inspiring and thought provoking talk on the Power of Puerility.
Almost 100 people turned out to see him and they included film makers, photographers, illustrators, creatives & suits from other agencies (I know, how brave of us) as well as clients – including ones we have, and others we’d love to work with. If this is you, please do get in touch.
The feedback we received from the gathered masses was brilliant to say the least and if you ever get a chance to see Mark in action, don’t miss it.
Mark will be releasing a book very shortly with the same title and you can pre-order it here.
We’ll be putting on another Fierce Talk later in the year, so keep an eye on all our social channels for news and ticket details (remember, it’s free and open to everyone – the more the merrier and we’re passionate about sharing the love).
A night of peurility with Mark Denton.
If you’d like to inject a bit of humour (it’s proven to sell stuff you know) into your communications, drop us a note saying:. ‘So you think you’re funny do you’ here.