One Black Bear is proud to announce membership of the IPA.

One Black Bear is proud to announce membership of the IPA



There are lots of great reasons to feel honoured to join the IPA (Institute for the Practitioners in Advertising) and we’re looking forward to everything being a full member agency offers.
The training, the seminars, the fantastic insight resources on offer to name but a few.

It’s more than just a badge. It’s a catalyst for us to look at the business as a whole if we’re honest. Belonging to such a revered organisation makes you want to get the rest of your house in order.

It’s all part of coming back better if you like.

Fifteen months plus into a pandemic means you have time to take stock. Look at areas you want to improve and generally assess how we could make OBB even better and stronger. Both for our clients and our people. We’ve talked about becoming members on and off for some time – and for one reason or another, it never quite happened. Too busy, too much other expense, too…..many excuses basically.

Now felt like the right time and we’re so very glad we’ve done it.

So that’s why the IPA logo will, following an extensive refurb’, hang pride of place in our new home in a new part of town… more on that in the coming weeks.
Next to our own new logo.
And above the desks of new staff. Very, very talented staff too (and that’s all we’re saying, for now).

So new affiliations, new home, new agency ID and new staff. Basically a new beginning.

Thanks go to the IPA for allowing us in, because the process of joining made us think about how and where we belong generally.
After 18 years, we feel and indeed are established – but still yearn to come back from the most bizarre of times feeling re-energised.
The hunger is still very much there. Who fancies an agency style lunch to celebrate?

If you’d like to talk to us about the importance of your agency being in the IPA, drop us a note saying:. ‘I need a serious agency that takes its responsibilities seriously’ here.