We mask up for West Midlands Network
April 30, 2021
+ PreviousWe were commissioned by Groundswell, who work with people experiencing homelessness to create solutions, to produce an information campaign. We needed to encourage uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine among young people experiencing homelessness across the country.
Using extensive research completed by the Groundswell team we produced a visually striking creative campaign to help young people understand the importance of getting vaccinated.
From tackling misinformation to helping young people understand that getting the jab means more than just protecting themselves, we developed a series of assets for both print and digital use that will help spread the word across the UK and help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Each asset has space provided to include information relevant to that locality as every local authority has different ways to get the vaccine, so we can be sure that the information provided is relevant and correct.
The asset pack is being distributed across the entire ‘End Youth Homelessness’ network and to other smaller grass-roots organisations across the country working in local communities to help prevent homelessness and protect the most vulnerable in our society.
If you’re looking to play your small part in saving the world, drop us a note saying:. ‘My comms need an ideas injection’ here.
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