Post covid ad campaign for National Express

Getting away for a few days… Ah, remember that?

Excitedly throwing a few things together, deciding where you want to go and boom, before you know it you’re somewhere else and loving it.

Well guess what; those days are back and with restrictions easing, we can at last have the break we’ve long desired and deserve.

Restart your engines

Our restart campaign for National Express celebrates departing the dark days of travel bans, no mixing and ultimately, no fun.
Instead, we see families and friends meeting in person – in the real world. With real people, not an online pixelated version. And that’s something to hugely celebrate.

The campaign uses a simple ‘Less of that, more of this’ theme allowing for punchy, quick and uncluttered posters (small collection below – we did approx 20 messages in different formats).

Running on TV, VOD, radio, OOH, retail and owned sites, plus social and CRM, the campaign also debuts our new brand line for National Express – This is the direction of travel.

Visuals lead the way and even on radio (click below), contrasting sound effects create a fun and engaging commercial that stands out in a cluttered break.

Fast changing world

The new brand positioning seeks to put National Express in their rightful place as brand leader and as the modern, progressive and highly relevant mode of transport for today’s fast changing world.
It goes further than that though, as the modal champion, it also helps boast low cost, but always fantastic value, easy online booking and the fact that coach is more environmentally friendly than travelling by car or train.

The direction of travel

With ever more pressure mounting on single occupancy car journeys plus congestion and clean air charges, as well as parking disappearing within our city centres, National Express is the way to get around the whole of the UK in the 21st century and beyond.

Post covid ad campaign for National Express

If you’d like to take your travel brand in a new direction, drop us a note saying:. ‘Can I have a one way ticket to success please’ here.