The impossible sell.
The sweet spot is a feeling of nervousness but not absolute dread, excitement that doesn’t cross over to fear.
Forget the carrot, use a tiny, little stick.
Meeting after presentation after briefing, we discuss conquest business versus that awful term ‘low hanging fruit’. Where should we focus hard working budgets?
Rotherham – A most toxic of brands.
The town that suffers from a stench that won’t go away.
Opening up to full disclosure.
Should brands open themselves up to microscopic interrogation from the consumer?
Un versus UN – how to stand out on the world stage.
North Korea: "The geopolitical equivalent of kids stoning the windows of a more respected neighbour and then running off."
You only need 15 minutes for fame.
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.
Have the wheels come off the Midland’s automotive supply chain?
Why have Aston Martin chosen a military town in Wales over Birmingham?Have the wheels come off the Midland’s automotive supply chain? +

The girl next door.
85% of our client income is earned from businesses who are based within 20 miles of the agency office in Birmingham. This is a good thing.
The American Dream. Research suggests there won’t be any shocks.
What does the battle for the Whitehouse tell us about consumer behaviour? The polls may vary but the outcome will be sadly familiar.The American Dream. Research suggests there won’t be any shocks. +

Less for murder
They said it wouldn't last and you'd certainly get less for murder... However, in an era where agency relationships seem to have a shorter life than a reality TV star's wedding, at least some pairings are still going strong with no sign of an acrimonious split.