I’ll have a Big Lack and Demise please.
Remember the first McDonalds opening in Moscow or the first KFC flinging open its doors near Tiananmen Square? Well, things aren't quite so happy (meal) anymore.
Where have all our heroes gone?
They say never meet your heroes. Guess you've got to know who they are first.
Does your CSR stack up?
Grin and grip photographs or a lunchtime spent painting a fence certainly won’t cut the mustard. CSR, corporate social responsibility, is exactly that – a responsibility.
Don’t be first, be better.
The clamour for the new and a desire to be seen as the first. Why would you want to do that?
We all pray for creative simplicity.
Martin Luther, the German Monk that brought us flat-pack furniture.
2017. The end is not nigh.
This is a year where we should all speed up, not hit the brakes.
2016… At first I was afraid.
Rather than an annus horribilus it’s been an anno triumphantes. A look back at the ups and downs of 2016 (but mainly ups).
It’s democracy, people. Now do as you’re told.
Politicians think it's what voters want. In actual fact, many leading think tanks are now beginning to reach very different conclusions.It’s democracy, people. Now do as you’re told. +

Can you do me a quick idea?
Underestimate or undervalue quality at your peril and never judge it to be easy.
Who knows what’s around the corner.
Pick yourself up. Dust down and get on with it. Despite the setbacks and kickings, this game is full of opportunity.